Curated Wall Installations

Healing Hands Gallery

Changing the Hospital Experience

Curated Wall Installations

Interior spaces need great custom curated wall installations to communicate to clients, patients and customers about what the business is committed to. How you are perceived is based on the visual experience someone has upon entering your space. Whether it is an architect’s office, a hospital or a government office, we consider first who the user will be and then what kind of visual environment they will respond to in a largely positive light. Additionally, we include the people who work in that space because, they more than anyone, have to see and be surrounded by that space the most.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

The Healing Hands Gallery at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Rahway

This project included photographing the hands of over 500 employees and staff at the hospital. This custom curated wall installation illustrates the many people, practices, and positions all of whom work together to create positive patient outcomes. The Healing Hands Gallery is a permanent installation that highlights the hands of the many people who work in the facility with one purpose in mind: that the hospital patients receive the best care possible during their stay.

It included over two weeks of photo sessions, more than 30 large scale framed prints and prints on canvas and a large photo mosaic documenting the vast majority of the hands photographed.

We are UX Interior Installation Professionals

First impressions are often formed within seconds. Upon first glance users make a judgement about your brand based on the look of your website. That is why we believe that visual design is about more than meets the eye. It’s about using the small window of opportunity you have to inspire your visitors to stay and interact with your page. Our designs are unique to the needs of your business. With a focus on converting curious visitors into quality leads our designs leave a lasting impression. 



Interior Visuals Designed for Results

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